Feely Music – Youtube For Teachers
The purpose of the Feely Music Youtube For Teachers is to provide an accessible place for teachers to gain knowledge on their account questions. Above all, Feely Music would like to provide transparency and ease to teachers. As a result, please note the following items which will help you navigate the Feely Music Youtube:
- Please provide all questions in the comment section of the video you are having a question for because it saves the office time of repeating answers.
- Certainly make sure to read the Youtube comments form other teachers- perhaps you have the same question as someone else!
- Sometimes the office misses important videos to create, hence if you have a video you’d like uploaded, message @Ems and @Darren on Slack because we can help.
Lastly, it is teachers responsibilities to use Youtube to answer questions. Here is the teacher contract which guides you through your responsibilities.
Available videos:
Feely Music- News Release (2019) – because the Feely Music office is comprised of two people, this playlist will provide you with news and policy changes.
Feely Music – News Release (2019)
Feely Music- Essentials (2019) – above all, this playlist is a summary of your account with videos in 2-8 minutes in length.
Feely Music – Biography (2019)
Feely Music – Manage Availability (2019)
Feely Music – Account Set Up (2019)
Feely Music – Cancellations (2019)
Feely Music -Exit Form Tutorial (2019)
Feely Music -Teacher Buffer (2019)
Feely Music- Invoicing (2019)
Feely Music – Book Payment (2019)
Feely Music – Order Agenda (2019)
Feely Music -Phone Differences (2019)
Feely Music – Books Receipts (2019)
Feely Music – Perspective Teachers (2019) – if you are a new teacher, this playlist is certainly for you because it is a guideline to all account set up essentials.
Feely Music- Round 2 Interivews (2019)
Feely Music- Account Overview (2018)
Feely Music – View Address (2019)
Feely Music – Agenda Guide (2019)
Feely Music – SLACK Desktop (2019)
Feely Music – Biography (2019)
At Lesson Tutorials (2019) – because some questions come regarding in person procedures, this playlist covers questions while in lesson.
Feely Music- No One Home (2019)
Feely Music- Speed (2019) – above all, this tutorial playlist with 40 seconds on average in length.
Feely Music – Books Receipts (2019)
Feely Music -Remove Availability (2019)
Feely Music – Set Unavailability (2019)
Feely Music – Teacher Buffer (2019)
Feely Music Standard For The First Lesson
Wiki Feely
Feely Music- T4 and Independent Contractor

If You Have a Question, Visit Youtube!
Feely Music Teachers Channel is a place for teachers to learn about their teaching responsibilities, and to have visual guides to operating their teachers account. Firstly, please direct all questions to the Feely Music Teachers Channel by commenting below videos! Secondly, we ask for all of your questions be asked on Youtube. As a result, other teachers can learn from our answers, too! Above all, Feely Music is enthusiastic to save our time, and yours by having easy access to answers through Youtube.
The Feely Music Teachers Channel features several playlists, hence to help you understand where the tutorial you need can be found. Most noteworthy if there is not a video you find the answer to, you can ask for help on SLACK.